About Us

Eproperty.lk/epropertylk.com is a website where you can buy and sell almost everything. The best place to sell your property or find good deals on real estate in your preferred areas. We help Property seekers discover properties & make an informed choice through a wealth of market information & property sellers by making property selling online simple, fast & easy through innovative marketing solutions. You can sign up for a free account and post ads easily and free of charge every time and not limited to regions.

We constantly innovate and create new means to make property search easier for you. Our 3D Floor Plans & Virtual Tours ensure that you get a feel of the property without even having to visit it.

We reimagining how people buy, rent and sell homes, empowering them with the data and services they need to get into a place they love. We offer the Best Marketing solution for real estate.

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Eproperty.lk is only an intermediary offering its platform to facilitate the transactions between Seller and Customer/Buyer/User and is not and cannot be a party to or control in any manner any transactions between the Seller and the Customer/Buyer/User. Eproperty.lk shall neither be responsible nor liable to mediate or resolve any disputes or disagreements between the Customer/Buyer/User and the Seller and both Seller and Customer/Buyer/User shall settle all such disputes without involving eproperty.lk in any manner.